Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camp Friends

Miranda greeted us at the car the day we arrived with hugs and told us that we were her new friends. It was true. She was born with a whole area of birth defects and has had to have many surgeries in her life, but is one of the most joyful, gentle souls I have ever met. I miss her a bit now that we are home. She has about 20 things she says over and over- "You're my friend" "We match" "I know someone with that name" "She looked at me" Her and Lillianna became friends fast and it was wonderful to see them enjoy one another. Thanks Miranda for reminding me of how easy it is to look for the good in life!
This is Alicia she was another special needs camper that spent the week at camp with us. She also LOVED Lillianna. She did a lot of walking with her last week.
This is Ronald from Uganda. He could make Lillianna laugh and laugh!
Allelwah- a friend from Racine at camp with us for the week and my HUGE helper for the week. It would have been a much tougher week without her help. She even changed some diapers! Here is Lillianna doing we favorite thing these days- walking. It won't be long before she can do it herself, but for now we have the backbreaking job of walking with her. All. the. time.
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