Monday, February 9, 2009

Zoo Puddles

With a 52 degree day on Saturday we decided to use the fact that we now live within walking distance to the zoo to our advantage and off we went. Most of the animals were not out yet, but Lillianna liked the puddles better than the animals anyway. It was good for us all to get out and see the sun!
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Winter Thaw

We have had a few warm days this week, so we have actually had some time to play outside. Lillianna is so happy!
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Big Girl

I can't believe how much this child is growing and learning these days. She likes to be the Big Girl now. She would much rather eat at her own table then in her high chair. She is getting to know so many more words as well- apple, bubble, up, cracker, cheese, and 'nanna are some favorites. Mine and No are also big faves that we wish we didn'r hear so much of. She is also getting the animal sounds down- she loves to BAA with wild abandon, but also moo, quack, and oink. She loves it when I saw cock a doodle doo, but so far hers is more like cock a dooo and sometimes she throws some other stuff in there as well.
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Snow Days

Of all of the members of our house Lillianna is by far the one who appreciates the snow the most.
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This kid loves water

So, it all started when Aisnley had a sore foot and needed to soak it for a while. Not to be left out, when she was done both Kennedy and Lillianna also decided to soak their feet. Once Kennedy was finished, Lillianna claimed the pot for herself and proceded to get her whole self in it.... Oh MY!
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New Year's in MN

This is the attempt to get all of the "Langerud" cousins and their children in a picture. Not so great...

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Crazy Dress Up Days

It has been a LONG winter and so we have had to get creative to keep the days entertaining...
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Lillianna's First Build a Bear

OK, so actually it is a Kitty. While we were at Navy Pier Grandma figured Lillianna should try build a Bear. Since she LOVES kitties, that is what she got.
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More Winter Wonderland

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Winter Wonderland

Every year around the holidays Navy Pier in Chicago gets transformed into "Winter Wonderland."
Mike & I usually try to make a trip down to Chicago every year to enjoy it and some of the other special Christmas things. This year Lillianna was big enough to go and we brough Grandma and Grandpa along for the fun. I think they liked it as much as she did.
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