Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We used cloth diapers with Lillianna when she was younger, but took a break with all of the craziness of the house re-modeling, moving, lent, etc... We recently got restarted and I remembered why I love it! They just are so much better for her and aren't nearly as tough as one might think. Oh, and the diapers have come such a long way. The new reason I LOVE it is that Lillianna likes them. Oh yeah, this child much prefers them to disposables. If you have a cloth one in your hand or better yet let her chose one, she comes right over, lays down and is excited. If it is a disposable she runs the other direction and I do mean run.

We have been trying a new brand of diaper out there called the grobaby. I love it! I wasn't sure at first because it is a different system than the ones we have been using that have a pocket where you stuff the insert that soaks up the pee. But, the longer we have had them, the more I turn to them first. The great thing is that you just snap in the soaker and you are ready to go, if you need to change the diaper, you just snap out the soaker and put in a new one. We went up north last weekend and ran out of soakers and I was pleased to discover that the inserts from my other diapers also worked just great in them. I even sold some of our old stand- bys today to make room for some more of these. The only draw back about them so far is that they do take longer to dry and stain a little more easily than the diapers we had been using.

Besides all the great eco-friendly things about them, they are too cute! There is just something about a baby in a cloth diaper that is just adorable and no disposable can compare!

For more info on the gro baby:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Growing Up

Dear Lillianna,

I keep up this blog, so that our friends and family get to stay in touch and see you grow. We try to catch the big moments on the camera, but so many of the best moments are missed. Or are things that one picture doesn't really tell the story. I am amazed at how quickly you grow and learn! Since the day you were born those little eyes of yours have been taking everything in and you continue to do so. So, here are some of the moments I wish I had in a bottle and could pull back out from time to time.

*The moon. You love it and I love that you love it. You love to read books about it and when you see it in books or on TV you quickly point it out and get so excited. I also LOVE that you love it when you can see it outside. When it starts to get dark and we are outside you look for it and when you see it you are thrilled. Some nights we can even see it from our kitchen windows which makes you the happiest of girls.

*Last week to entertain you I showed you the hand story- Here is the church, Here is the steeple, open it up and see all the people." You were fasinated by it and we did it over and over again until you could do it by yourself (sort of). Yesterday you were sitting on the coach next to me, looked up and said steeple. I wasn't sure what you were trying to tell me until I looked down and sure enough your fingers were making the steeple.

*Your favorite shape is oval, followed by the circle. You can find them everywhere- tires, the bolts that hold McDonald's play land together, eggs... Square comes in third, followed by 'tangle as in rectangle and then triangle.

*You love pizza just like your mom and dad. You gobble it up. You request it for dinner. Best of all you do a pizza dance. You even made your doll some pizza a few weeks ago. You took the piece of pizza out of the bin, put it in your pan, put it in your microwave, and then took it and served it on a plate.

*We are still not sure how you did this, but you managed to get your diaper off yesterday without removing and clothes. The best we can figure was that you reached inside you overalls and took it off so daddy could change it. I am thinking potty training isn't too far down the road.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

A trip to the park

giving the fish kisses

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Trip to the zoo

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I like baking!

Lillianna "helps" mommy make cupcakes.

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