So, I will update with more pictures of our fun from Christmas to New Years. We have had a heck of a week. It started with the weekend. We had a few projects we wanted to check off the list and get stuff packed up and organized for the big move in day on Monday. Well, we got about 12 inches of snow that all had to be shoveled at both houses which meant that project time was cut in half. So, we ran like crazy and got as much as we could done. Monday came and the truck arrived. Got the big stuff moved in to the new house in about 4.5 hours. I tell you- 2 men and a truck is the way to go. Best money spent ever. Spend the day trying to get settled. I spent the afternoon in the garage moving the boxes and building supplies that have accumulated over the lat 6 months over to the sides so that both cars will fit in because the rest of the week is supposed to be crazy cold.
We go to pick up the pets and Lillianna and it starts to snow. AGAIN. No energy to worry about that. Order pizza for dinner. Lillianna too hungry to wait so she eats some of the few things we have in the house- ceral and snack mix. As we are getting ready for dinner she starts to choke on something. Get her out of high chair and she is crying but breathing fine. As I try to soothe her she starts to throw up- on me, on her, and on the new bamboo floor. Go to get her in the bath- no plug for the tub. Scrounge trying to find something to plug it with and the door bell rings- pizza is here! Eventually, we got the bath filled, the baby washed and put to bed. Re-heated the pizza and some and called it a night. Lillianna was up once or twice in the night.
Mike gets up in the morning and gets ready to go to the old house to work because we still have no internet connection. We called the company two weeks ago. They said no problem, they would email us something to sign and we would be good to go at the end of the week. No email. No return phone calls. No internet. So, he gets ready to go and goes to the garage hits the code into the key pad and nothing. Tries several more times nothing. Brings the battery in to warm it up to see if that was the problem. Goes back out and tries it again. Nothing. Call some friends to bring us a new one hoping this would solve the problem and no it does not work. Now we are in trouble. I may need to point out at this point that the large garage door is the ONLY way into the garage. There are no windows or other doors at all. So, we call the contractor who came over looked at it and didn't see other options. So, the plan was to cut a hole for a new side door. He went to get a new door and his guys were supposed to come and help. Hours went by nothing. Finally late afternoon a guy come to cut a small hole in so we can at least get the door open and get out.
Lillianna was not feeling any better yesterday. She would only sleep if she was laying on me. It was a rough afternoon.
UGH! They are supposed to be there today to put in the door, we'll see. We have gotten about 5-6 inches of lake effect snow this morning and are supposed to get more this afternoon.
So, we were feeling like the most unlucky people in the world. But, in the face of doing two funerals this week and listening to the news, I know this is not the case. I know we are in fact very blessed. We have one another. We have been also been blessed by the many hands and hours of help that people have given us to help get our house ready. Hopefully, we will have some time now to create some good memories.
New Address: 3314 Michigan Blvd. Racine, WI 53402
If you need to get a hold of us- call our cell phones. The phone has been transfered but we have no dial tone.