Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Visit from Oma and Opa

Lillianna, her kitty, and her Opa
Romping in her new digs
Reading one of her favorite books
Lillianna and Opa and Lillianna's book about her

So, Opa was here this week and brought with him many presents from Oma including the new PJs in the picts and the book and lots of cool new toys. Oma was here a few weeks ago to help with the new house- she too got the joy of scraping paint, but somehow we didn't get any pictures from that visit. Thanks for the visits and all of the wonderful presents!
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New Kitchen up north

The cottage has been a work in progress for many, many years and this fall we finally got a kitchen! We went up last week to have the new cabinets installed. We are so excited to finally have a kitchen sink! We were so pleased with how well they turned out.
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First Trip to the Zoo

So, we have a nice little zoo here in Racine and our new house will be within about 4 blocks of it, but it took until about 2 weeks ago for Lillianna to actually get there. Grandma and Grandpa brought great- Grandma down to see the new house and go to the zoo. I missed most of it because I had a confrence that day. Lillianna seemed to enjoy seeing all of the animals-that are all called "kitty" and they all say "meow." Unfortunatly, no one remembered to bring a camera so we don't have any pictures of the day.


Lillianna got these boots as hand me downs at her birthday and even though they are WAY to BIG she loves them. We keep them up north and every time we go up she has to put them on and attempt to walk around in them.
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Up North with Auntie Carolyn

Eating corn on the cob. Little Miss Indenpendt insists on doing it herself.

These pictures are from about a month ago when we had a girls weekend up north. It was fun to be able to show Carolyn all the favorite spots up north.
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Monday, October 6, 2008

Working too much

So, you can probably tell from the lack of posts that we have been very busy lately. Our new house is taking a lot more work that we had expected. We hadn't realized how much is was rubbing off until after a long weekend of scraping paint off the walls, Lillianna picked up and scraper and started to try her hand at it. She thought it was great fun! If only the rest of us did too...
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